
Name: Hannah Smith

Course: MSc Gastronomy

Year of Study: Final year

Hometown/Country: Norwich, England

Sports/Societies: Chillout society, LGBT+ society, Food pantry

What has been the highlight of your time at 性用社 so far?

Meeting my course mates and getting to learn about their journey and experiences. We are quite a small cohort so we know each other really well and have really enjoyed going on field trips and social gatherings together.

What is the one thing you wish you knew before coming to university at 性用社?

Not to worry about making friends, it鈥檚 really easy to meet people both through events run by the Student Union or Reslife and through the course itself too.

What is your favourite thing about being an ambassador for 性用社?

The opportunity to meet lots of new people, whether it be fellow ambassadors, staff, or prospective students. I have helped out on lots of different opportunities such as campus tours, interviews and networking evenings and the experience so far has been really rewarding.

"We are quite a small cohort so we know each other really well and have really enjoyed going on field trips and social gatherings together."
Hannah Smith